Gilbert, AZ Temple Visitor Center

Dear Students,

One of the best things I did when I moved to Gilbert, Arizona was open my door to the Mormon missionaries. Even though I am Catholic, I love to learn about their beautiful faith. I accept the fellowship that they offer. When Gilbert, AZ was selected as the site for a new Mormon temple, I was happy for my friends.

photo by Heidi Hagen (featured on

On Tuesday, May 12, the statue of Moroni was attached to the Temple. It was a big day for my community.

Crowds began to gather along Greenfield Rd (Photo by Pam Jorgensen)

I was at the school library, so I missed it. I followed the updates on Facebook in between classes.

Facebook was full of majestic shots, but they lacked context. I like this unusual shot. The angel is 14 feet tall and weighs 400 pounds. It is made of fiberglass and gilded in gold leaf. Photo by Pam Jorgensen.

Just past 2PM the statue ascended

“When they raised Moroni up they brought it around the fence-line and the crowd went silent! There was also a white bird of some kind that someone released…awesome day!” photo and comment by Isaac Jaten

I think this is what the word marvelous is for

“All things denote there is a God; yea even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and it’s motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that their is a Supreme Creator.” Alma 44 Photo by Trish Kobialka

I went to the visitor’s center two days later to learn more about the Temple and the construction process. The Visitor’s center is located in a temporary trailer on site. It maintained a steady flow of traffic, people of all ages and loads of children. A volunteer had a binder full of facts about the statue, temples and the interior of the Gilbert Temple. As a non-member of the Church I am welcome to tour the Gilbert Temple before it’s consecrated.

Before too long the lot will be full of grass and flowers and this little boy will be a grown man. I like this snapshot that will freeze the intersection between his youth and the growth of Gilbert

I’m glad I took the time to learn more about this special place in our town. I hope you can find time to visit as well.

A moment in time,
Mrs. Kenney

Librarian Note: To follow the construction of the Temple in reverse chronology, Kathy P has a blog dedicated to her perspective as a neighbor. It has great pictures. Enjoy! To learn more about the Gilbert Temple major construction events and of the open house and dedication dates when they are released you can sign up for e-mail alerts here.

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